On A Mission To
Help Private Equity
Close More Deals

Combining world class execution and technology to deliver you exclusive, off-market deal opportunities.                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

Targeted, intentional outreach to the right opportunities.

Tap into exclusive deal opportunities
Save time and eliminate labor; get access to deals fast
Scale your pipeline with consistent opportunities
Scale your pipeline with consistent opportunities
Here’s How We Do It…

Proven Process, for Proprietary Deal Flow

You Close Deals. We’ll Source Them.

Identify Target

Our approach involves taking the time to learn your objectives and preferred target area for investment. We then create a personalized database comprising of accurate and current details about privately-held firms. Our methodology is entirely manual and initiated from the start, using our proprietary technology and team.

Source & Screen

Although data holds great potential, it doesn't equate to power until we take action and effectively target the right individuals using the database we've curated for you. By doing so, we increase the likelihood of engaging with potential prospects who are interested in discussing a possible exit or disposition with you.

Delivery & Handoff

Prior to any interaction between a potential client and yourself, we conduct a thorough evaluation of the opportunity through a rigorous screening process. Once this process is complete, we introduce the opportunity to you in a professional and straightforward manner.